Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser

The Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser
Fly fishing for bass is certainly not trout fishing. It took me a while to come to this conclusion and to start consistently catching bass with a fly rod. It seems that the problem was rooted in my preconceived notion that fly fishing should be a delicate sport, with tiny flies and noodle rods. In reality, bass angling is a full-contact sport that requires casting big flies and presenting them on a tight line. Small flies may be called for when spring-creek trout are rising to tricos, but if it is bass you are after then you need to embrace big flies.

Consider the lures that spin anglers use to catch bass before you dismiss large streamers as a novelty.

The Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser is a slight variation on Bob Clouser's Fur Strip fly. I use marabou for the top instead of deer tail fibers to add motion. Let me be upfront and state that I do not claim to have created a new fly; I just tie Clouser's fly a little differently. There are several advantages to using flies like this. Let's take the eyes for example. The placement of lead eyes on top of a hook cause the hook to ride point-up in the water, reducing snags. The eyes also increase the fly's action by causing it to sink. This is important not only for getting your fly down in the water column, but it also creates motion even when you are not stripping the fly. In addition, it has long been theorized that predatory fish attack the eyes of a baitfish. Whether this is true or not, it certainly does not hurt to have nice big eyes on your streamers.

Large Clouser-style streamers are tied in layers. Although the fly compacts in the water, the layers of materials are tied in such a way that they remain somewhat separate when the fly is wet. This allows tiers to create all manner of alluring illusions including white bellies, lateral lines and green backs. The genius of Clouser's flies is not in the specific materials and colors, but in the unique tying style that lends itself to so many applications.

Whether you fish lakes, streams or rivers, always remember that bass love to eat streamers.

Fishing for bass with the Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser is simply a matter of locating water that is likely to hold fish, casting in tight and stripping. This "target-shooting" method of fishing allows you to cover a lot of water, which is the number-one way to catch bass. Fishing streamers for bass is an active sport, so get you arm warmed up and be ready to make a lot of casts.

Putting the Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser together.
Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser

Hook: Mustad R74-9672 or equivalent
Thread: Gray Danville Flymaster 6/0
Eyes: Yellow painted lead dumbbell or substitute
Underbody 1: Gray magnum rabbit strip
Underbody 2: Gray marabou
Belly: White bucktail
Underwing: Silver Flashabou
Wing: Gray marabou
Head: Epoxy over tying thread and eyes

Tying the Monster Marabou Fur Strip Clouser is not difficult if you are familiar with Clouser-style flies. If not, I definitely recommend looking into the fabulous book, Clouser's Flies, by Bob Clouser. The excellent photography, detailed tying steps and general angling knowledge contained in this book make it a superb investment for your fishing library.

If you have any experience with Clouser-style flies or tie your own variations, feel free to post comments or links about them.

Visit our ebay site today for the highest-quality flies!

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